The Power of a List (or two)

As I scanned my email folder this morning there was an email from one of “Armand Morin”: a widely known internet marketeer. Now his marketing machine sends literally millions of emails every day to people interested in marketing online. I read the emails he sends me from time to time if only to keep up with what he is doing.

Well, this email was offering me a seat at a teleseminar (or download of the teleseminar recording) on the subject of Adsense revenue generation. Since I have recently decided not to use Adsense in other than limited situations I was about to close the email and move on.

But then I noticed that the “payment” for this teleseminar was the purchase of 2 copies of a music CD from Amazon.

Intrigued I went to have a look at Labor Pains, by Michael Lee Austin.

Guess what, the CD being promoted is a debut CD by someone apparantly better known for his internet involvement. Better still, his debut CD is ranking #3 on the Amazon music sales chart!

Their’s more… the prominent review of the CD is provided by Joe “Mr Fire” Vitale, one of the best marketing guru’s around and a prolific author!

In today’s world, possibly the most vaulable asset you can own, is a list of people, with a common interest area, and permission to send information to them. The second most valuable asset is access to the people who own these lists!

Think on it, and start building your list TODAY

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