Live cattle exports to Indonesia

We don't condone torturing these creatures

What is depicted in the Four Corners Program can only appall any civilised human being. It simply is not good enough to make out it isn’t happening, or hide behind some smokescreen of it’s out of our control.

My simple suggestion is “No stunning, No cattle”. If we can send troops to Afganistan to try an effect change against almost insurmountable odds, WE CAN and MUST stop this cruelty right now.

I have just completed sending the following letter to all of the Federal Politicians representing me. Please consider taking similar action. If you have not watched the Four Corners program from Monday night I implore you to do so as soon as possible.

Once you have seen this I am sure you will understand why Australia must cease this trade immediately if it is not possible to demand, and get, humane treatment for the animals sent to Indonesia.

As my Federal representative, I urge you to also find out how it is possible for this barbaric behavior to be supported, condoned and covered up by MLA/LiveCorp.

Finally, please note that ineffective bleating about introducing stunning into Indonesian abatoirs is not sufficient. In the last 10 years these apologists for barbarians have managed to introduce stunning into a mere 6 facilities. The rules should be simple, “No stunning, No cattle.”

If this is not possible, then just ban exports to Indonesia. After all, the total market is smaller than the money raised by Victorian “Safety” cameras each year – and all of the profits go to multinationals anyway.

Australia is a civilized, enlightened country. We do not need to profit from supporting, or even just condoning, cruelty, inhumanity or barbaric behaviour.

Here are some links to more information on the subject…

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