Back on NutriKane

NutriKane Sachets
NutriKane Sachets
NutriKane Sachets

Having suffered from a sound scalding from my son Malcom recently, I am now back onto my daily routine of 2–3 doses of NutriKane. No it’s not some form of healthy sugar although it is derived from Australian sugar cane. With all of the sucrose removed, and subject to some more magical processing by the geniuses at Medikane, we are left with a dietary fibre which has some extremely beneficial effects.

These beneficial effects start with the serious improvement to your gut health. I’m not sure if thi s is a scientific term or just an expression made up by Malcolm. But a high proportion of people taking NutriKane report that they feel significantly better than beforehand.

There are other benefits which are based on anecdotal evidence and currently subject to scientific testing. From personal experience, I can report that while I was taking NutriKane earlier in the year, my blood pressure (normally high) dropped markedly. Others have reported beneficial effects on their Random Plasma Glucose levels.

But one of the things that have helped me re-start the good habit is the discovery that adding NutriKane to a Cup of Soup is a great way to completely disguise the unfortunate fact that the potent powder can tastes rather like macerated cardboard! So, little or no effect on the taste of the soup, and significant well being improvements are the outcome of my new good habit.

Now, all I have to do is add “Take NutriKane” to my list in the Way of Life App to reinforce the goodness being done, order more of the little sachets from NutriKane and seek to get myself unscalded, if that is possible!

If you’re interested, find out more at the NutiKane website

Executive iPad User News

Executive iPad User

Pretty cool … I’m now publishing a virtual newspaper using

It pulls together my Twitter activity as @ExecutiveiPad and relevant content from other authoritative sources. The content below will be updated every Friday!

You can view the publication full size and subscribe to receive weekly updates at

Why the new look?

Even though we were well overdue for an overhaul here, the new minimalist look has been forced as a result of a hacking attempt on my server. This act of wanton bastardry has meant that, for the last week, all I have been doing is trying to restore sites, domains and email accounts to a working position. Not fun!

Firefox – sec_error_revoked_certificate Issue

When Firefox web browser checks a security certificate, it also checks with the issuing authority if the certificate is valid. It appears that, near a certificate’s expiration date, the issuing authority may release a new certificate. The two certificates have conflicting expiration dates.

For reasons unknown, this caused Firefox to report a sec_error_revoked_certificate error and refuse to allow you to connect to the site!

To resolve this, presumably at the same time reducing the security of your browsing, complete the following:

For PC Users:

  1. Open Firefox.
  2. Go to Tools the top menu and select Options.
  3. Click the Advance tab.
  4. Click the following button:
    Encryption, then
    Certificates, then
  5. Check “Do not use OCSP for certificate validation.”
  6. Click OK and restart Firefox.

For Mac Users:

  1. Open Firefox.
  2. Go to Firefox in the top menu and select Preferences.
  3. Click the Advance button.
  4. Click the following buttons:
    Encryption, then
  5. Un-check “Use the OCSP to confirm the validity of certificates.”
  6. Click OK and restart Firefox.

Beware of

AcornWorkflow-2009.12.16 22.17.08A few weeks ago Facebook carried an advertising campaign for a business called BidPax, a so-called penny auction site. Briefly, you pay BidPax for bids to be placed on their auctions. Each bid costs about $.70. When an auction starts, bidders use their pre-purchased bids. Each bid placed increases the price of the item being sold by one cent and adds 10 seconds to the duration of the auction.

Obviously, anyone who wins such an auction appears to get the item at a huge discount — provided they are prepared to forget that each one cent bid cost $.72. However, even allowing for this, the history of auctions on BidPax suggests that the winning bidder is indeed saving huge sums when compared with the recommended retail price of the items won.

Continue reading “Beware of”

Odd currency conversion from Paypal

I was about to buy an eBook about iPhone application development for $USD7.99

Safari2Luckily enough I happened to notice that the currency conversion to AUD was not only wrong, but out by a factor of 100! I was just a whisker away form sending the lucky seller over $1,000 AUD

It seems to be an issue with Paypal, rather than the specific site, although I cannot prove this assertion. If you’re buying on Paypal from Australia I strongly suggest that you check the amount you are about to send before clicking on “Pay Now”

Anyone else seen this?

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Flex2 shipping module for VirtueMart on Joomla

Just a quick post here to say that I have released a VirtueMart shipping module for Joomla 1.5.

Suffice to say that it provides a flexible mechanism for calculating shipping with separate scales for “Domestic” and “International” orders.

The idea for this module, plus core source code, was derived from an existing module “flex” by Micah Shawn which is contained in the current VirtueMart distribution.

You can download the module from HERE. Installation instructions are in the included README file.