I am constantly amazed at the difficulty I have convincing clients/friends and others that connecting a PC to the internet is one of the most dangerous modern activities.
It seems that the most prevalent attitude is *yes, but it won’t happen to me*.
Well, the truth of the matter is *it can, it will … and it probably already has!*
Here’s a quote from a recent report on “A Current Affair”:http://aca.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=127021
bq. Michael Roggenkamp is proof it can happen to anyone – he’s an academic specialising in information technology who had over $20,000 stolen from his savings account.
This, and hundreds of thousand more, was stolen with the help of a “trojan virus”, a simple software program that installs itself on your PC, collects your passwords, and sends them to the *bad guys* who then rob you blind. In this case, they were pretty greedy, emptying bank accounts over a few days. If they, the Bad Guys that is, were a bit more patient, they could probably skim funds from many accounts over periods of months or even years!
Anyway, take note of the title *The Internet is a hostile network like the wild west without a sheriff !* which is the by-line of “http://www.firewallguide.com/”:http://www.firewallguide.com/
Check it out, and make a genuine assessment of the risk that you face each time you fire up Internet Explorer.