Remember this?

I stumbled across this while checking some old emails. I am embarrassed to have to admit that I had forgotten the evil recently perpetrated by the ALP against our own disadvantaged. Shouldn't be surprised by the level of evil directed at refugees should we. Our politicians from both sides do not share the smallest measure of worth between them all. If you don't have a viable independent in your electorate, informal is the only moral option. Somehow we have to tell Rudd and Abbott that they STINK.


Fun in Bomber Land

Shepard Fairey’s iconic Hope poster inspired this James Hird image. It also reminds me that the best part of the current footy scandal is watching the squirming of Melbourne's “finest” as they defend the indefensible and work out which mates to protect!


Carr drops promise to raise Assange case


Bob CarrRecently our hand picked Foreign Minister, Bob Carr, confirmed my theory that our politicians are required to “check in their brains” at the doors of Parliament.

We know this is the case since members of either of the 2 major parties are required to vote the way that the faceless men have decided. And, to make sure that we don’t accidentally get a vote other than that decreed by same faceless men, each party enforces a practice called “pairing”. Pairing means elected Members are not permitted to enter Parliament if one of the idiots on the other side happens to be on holiday, sick or otherwise doesn’t feel up to voting that day.
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If you don’t like Aussie meat … Eat vegetables

According to The Age, Ikebal Patel, president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, said ”I think any individual, whether they’re Muslim or Jewish, should be allowed to have meat on their table that is in accordance with their religious beliefs.” Hey man, we don’t even have the right to swear in public, what on earth makes you think that you have the right to torture innocent creatures?

It seems that without asking our views, our State and Federal governments agree and have sanctioned legalised torture of livestock in many local abattoirs. Don’t these idiots in power understand that civilized Australians do not condone any form of brutality against any living thing?

More importantly, don’t they understand that we do not condone any barbaric behavior based on lunatic, so called religious, beliefs?

Religions which do not even give humans of the female persuasion equal rights have no place in our civilized society and we certainly do not need to make any allowances for the medieval practices of barbarians.

If you don’t like Aussie meat, eat vegetables!

Leaders who lie

It’s sad that we no longer have any ability as a community to hold our leaders accountable for their words or promises. Take our current Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd and his current decision to spend $38 million dollars on an advertising campaign supporting his new resources company taxation. Quite apart from the fact that the application of simple logic would tell any thinking human being that the expenditure is immoral …

He was asked in 2007 if he would resign if he had not delivered this system within his first term.

Mr Rudd replied: “In terms of establishing the office of the auditor-general with clear-cut guidelines to whom every television campaign is submitted for approval before that television campaign is implemented, you have my absolute, 100 per cent guarantee that that will occur.

“One hundred per cent guarantee and each one of you here can hold me accountable for that.”

But two months ago the auditor-general was sidelined from the job.

Somehow, when you have achieved power the phrase “one hundred percent guarantee” actually means, well nothing I guess!

Anyone got any idea how we can elect honest persons to be our leaders, and failing that, how do we force them to remain honest, or depart? As far as I am aware Rudd hasn’t even felt the need to explain his change of heart.

Unfortunately, those who aspire to power seem to be the ones who know that those over whom they exercise power are totally apathetic.