fter much development, review and some false starts, a new web site has been launched with my assistance. It is for the “Australia Tibet Council”:http://www.atc.org.au a not-for-profit organisation campaigning for a Free Tibet.
The site covers an interesting range of services for its readership, and for members of the organisation…
* an information portal
* a place to purchace Tibet related merchandise
* an email campaign manager for guided lobbying
* online donation and subscription management
* online mailing list manager
I make no claims regarding the content of the site (that is all the work of the excellent executive staff and their helpers), but I am rather pleased with my contribution to the look of the site and the range of services that are provided.
For the record, the site is based on…
* Joomla for the portal elements
* Virtuemart (a Joomla plugin) for the merchantising component
* phpList for the email list management
* subscription management by a ruby on rails application developed by me
BTW, you should seriously consider “making a donation”:https://www.atc.org.au/members/ to this worthy cause.