Let the Lies Begin

HungerThe political lying will now reach fever pitch and will continue for another 33 days.

The only good news is that I am in the Melbourne electorate so I actually have a choice of voting informal or for Adam Bandt (Greens).

I could not even contemplate voting for a candidate supporting the MORONIC egomaniac Rudd or equally MORONIC “thick as three planks” Abbott.

They are both equally prepared to destroy helpless refugee men, women and children to grab power.

They are both ignoring the fact that the majority of Australians do not support their redneck refugee policies.

And both are perfectly comfortable buying power from the lunatic fringe who would still support the White Australia Policy of yesteryear if only someone would put it forward.

A Pox on both your houses.

Carr drops promise to raise Assange case


Bob CarrRecently our hand picked Foreign Minister, Bob Carr, confirmed my theory that our politicians are required to “check in their brains” at the doors of Parliament.

We know this is the case since members of either of the 2 major parties are required to vote the way that the faceless men have decided. And, to make sure that we don’t accidentally get a vote other than that decreed by same faceless men, each party enforces a practice called “pairing”. Pairing means elected Members are not permitted to enter Parliament if one of the idiots on the other side happens to be on holiday, sick or otherwise doesn’t feel up to voting that day.
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